The AWESOMEST worship team ever!
All glory to God! Sunday was an indescribable day. Never experienced anything like it. MYF Sunday was great! Everything went well. Would particularly like to thank my worship team again. Sarah, Denise, Glenn, Jason, Mike, Gabriel, Ee Rick and Bel! Thank you for playing your part in our praise and worship for God =) A very special thank you to Jason, Glenn and Mei-Yan as well for giving me guidance and helping me out. You guys rock!
So, my encounter with God this weekend started on Saturday. Was feeling crappy and spiritually exhausted due to the fact that I had to lead worship twice that day, twice the following and once next week. A bit too much if you ask me. I love leading people in worship and all but I would prefer not to do it if my heart isn't set on God. I personally think that sometimes it's best to not have worship at all then to do it just for the sake of doing it. Then God sent someone along to share some wisdom with me =) Of course I wasn't enlightened and rejuvenated straight away. Took some time. As I went home, I felt the urge to read my devotional book and bible. The thought of "Maybe God has something to tell me before I head off to bed." And poof! The devotion for that specific day (22/5/10) was "Restore & Heal" with relevance to the call back to true worship to the Lord. Now that REALLY lifted me up.
Woke up on Sunday feeling the joy and nervousness flowing through me at the same time. Leading the Sunday congregation in worship was not a common thing for me. The Lord saw me through =) One of the cool things that happened after service was that an elderly uncle carrying a cane came up to a few of us and said we weren't charismatic enough. Instead of taking that as a harsh comment, it was rather surprising because elderly and even adults complain about the loud banging of drums and the screeching of an electric guitar. =) Overall, MYF/Youth Sunday was an absolute success! God did his work through each and everyone of us that day.
After lunch with the "older youth" (me being the youngest =P), Got ready to go for GDOP (Global Day of Prayer). Truly a great experience. It's amazing to see a massive number of God's children in one place regardless of race and language, praying for the country. Ended quite late and most of us were tired. SOMEBODY in particular DID NOT SHOWER the whole day! (I wonder whooooooo? =P). All in all, God did wonders on Sunday, the 23rd of May, 2010.
As for now, my legs hurt... Don't ask. BYE!
P.S. Apologies for the excessive amounts of smilies.
4 more days