Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The ONLY raft that stayed afloat!

CAMP WAS AWESOME! Good job people!

The 29th!

Yesterday was apparently Zhi-Wei's worst day of the holiday! And he blames it all on me!

Here's how it started. Met up at church in the morning for a meeting. Then headed off for lunch. Before that, here's a random pic.

Sergeant Terrorist

Back to business. So we went to Mid Valley (Gardens actually) and ate at T.G.I. FRIDAY'S. Everyone basically ordered a cheeseburger in one form or another. Sucked like crap. Was overcooked. Some burnt. So it was really really DRY! Zhi-Wei feels like puking every time he remembers the taste.

After the meeting, decided to catch a movie with Mike and Jon. Took the stupid Metro bus from Federal Highway. Waited there for dunno how long.

Upon arrival at Pyramid, in Zhi-Wei's attempt to climb over a railing, he hit his balls.... really hard!

He may look fine in the photos, but right after I was done taking them. He started shouting like crazy!

Hung around Pyramid until Mike came to pick us up. Had my so called "dinner"

A Tuna Puff & A Double Chocolate....

IN THE END............... Movie tak jadi! Lepak at Jon's house only.... =.=

Zhi-Wei felt like crap.... did stupid stuff.... kept saying it was my fault and what not.... *sigh*

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009 Rocked my Stockings!

Christmas this year was the bomb! Finally got to celebrate Christmas in Malaysia after who knows how long it's been. This is THE first year where I have had to buy presents for my friends. No joke! Usually I don't bother cause I'm never around. Haha. Sure receiving presents feels nice. But giving them feels even better! Thanks you all for your thoughts and presents! Hope it's not too late to wish those I have not yet a;


Cookies and milk I left for santa,
But ended up eating myself

Guess who made those cookies. Haha. =)

Monday, December 21, 2009

The "Epicness"!

Credit to Chris Sam for the pics

* Click on the pic to view the "uncut"/"full" picture

Confirmation Sunday!

Today was a big day for me! I was getting confirmed (being an official member of a TMC PJ). Of course thank goodness I wasn't alone. I had Edwin and Sarah with me =) Service was good. Plus we got to take our first official communion on the same day! Caught up with each other. Poor Edwin is still a bit sick. Get well soon dude. Caroling's coming up!

My dearly beloved Granny celebrated her birthday today as well! So cool right? And my Godfather came back from the US recently as well. So he and his family were able to attend my confirmation. God really works in mysterious blessed ways, doesn't he? =)


Camps + God + Friends = Awesomeness!!!!

Back from 3 non-stop on going camps! I've already talked about YLDP and the MYF Comm Retreat. So now it's on to BB Year-End Camp! Awesome activities were done! But these were my favourites; Rock climbing (First time too), Leap of faith (Climbing a tree blind-folded and hanging on to a trapeze bar), and the raft building! The raft actually stayed afloat! Props to the team I was helping. You guys (and girl. lol) did a good job.

Other than that, I really learned some stuff too. Like the fact that planning a camp is never easy. Remember to consider all things. =) Thank you those who have thought me that.

And.. oh! We got to cook our own meal! MI SEDAP!!!!! Hahaha! Awesome stuff! Sadly I had to leave a day early with some others cause I was getting confirmed the next day. Thank you LT for the ride back. Much appreciated.

And that's it for the camps. The overall best parts were the fellowship as well as the presence of God =)

* Pictures will be up whenever possible.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Retreat @ Genting

Spent the night at Genting with the rest of the MYF Committee. Had a meaningful time. Got lots of things done. Had crazy bonding time! Seriously. So we took the cable car up to Genting. Jason was sitting on one side of the car. You could actually see the thing tilting. If that wasn't enough, he started shaking and rocking the car. Thus, Denise started to scream as usual.

Other than that, the rest of the time was quite crazy as well. Driving up and down, swerving left and right. Haha. Oh and these people love to "say" things!

Guess we'll have to wait and see what God has in store for us!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Great Is Your Faithfulness Oh God"


For those of you who are completely blur about my life, I came back from YLDP 2009, 2 days ago. That camp was AWESOME! It rocks your socks inside out! No regrets whatsoever for going. Met tons of people there. Really friendly! (And not in a scary way either). Gained some attention as well but that's not important. Highlight of the camp; GOD!

A thing I would like to share from my experience there, is don't go astray, get distracted, or carried away. A month+ ago, Jason came up to me and told me "Dion, you're leading a worship session for YLDP cause Trinity PJ has to send a team." At that point in time, I was like "Ok no problem. Just need to get enough practice"

Thus, the nervousness kicked in the day before. Butterflies in my stomach! Couldn't concentrate fully on sessions. It was like a string of questions kept piling up in my mind; "Is it gonna be a good worship session?", "Am I gonna screw up?", "What do I say in between songs?" It was even more intimidating since I was leading worship on the 4th day. Because for the first 3 days, the worship leaders were so much older than me. They were all so deep and meaningful. AHHH!!!

When the time came, God took over. We prayed before we started. Saying that the music wasn't as important as the main reason for worship; to praise God. After the music started, everything just blanked out. Nothing else mattered. I felt a connection between God and myself. Occasionally I would see people jumping and dancing around, worshiping their hearts out for God. Because of this, God took away the fear and nervousness, and I kept smiling the whole time I was singing. All turned out well

I also cannot forget the loving, caring friends I have (I'm gonna list them since I can remember), Ee Kenn, Joel, Angel, Jasmine, Edwin, and Matthew! They came right to the front to support us! Super supportive la you guys!! THANK YOU!! Of course I can't forget my team, without them = no worship! Mike, Mei-Yan, Zhi-Wei, Eugene, Sarah, Yuen Xin, and Ian (You're a part of TMC PJ now. Haha).

If you haven't been able to get my point, I'm trying to say that even in the most nerve-wrecking situations, your friends as well as God will pull through for you. Also remember, never get carried away or be too concerned about less important things that you stray from the main point which has been and always will be; GOD.

Monday, December 14, 2009

"All we're living for is all You are"

Thank you so so much God. That I was able to find You again. Never thought that it could ever happen. Now I, We need You more than ever. We appreciate You even more God. Nothing can or will ever compare to You!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Non-stop Camp Week is coming!!!

Leaving for Cameron Highlands on Wednesday for YLDP (9-13).
Then it's off to Genting Highlands for MYF Committee Retreat (15-16).
Lastly, will be going to Broga, Pahang (I think) for BB Year End Camp (17-19). Gonna be a busy busy week.

Hope I have enough clothes....

Also finished watching season one of Chuck including all the bonus features.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Sri Sedaya School accepted me in. Test was quite challenging seeing that I haven't touched a school-related book in a month. Barely passed my BM.

Test was 4 hours for 4 subjects all at once. Had a headache after that. Hopefully it was worth it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Moon = Overated = Do not watch

Feeling better now. Nose still a bit blocked. Hope everyone else who was sick has gotten better.

I wasted 2 hours & 30 minutes of my life yesterday when I agreed to watch New Moon. Was ajak-ed by Sarah. Seeing as I had nothing better to do AND wanted to get out of the house, I went (WRONG DECISION).

Went to Curve via "Malaysian" Public Transport. Wasn't so bad this time but I really hate the local public transport. Give me Singapore's cabs, buses and MRT anytime! Met Esther there as well.

Basically New Moon was a piece of crap. Overload of drama. Stupid love triangle as well. It's a movie that's more than 2 hours long but only takes a minute to explain the whole story. Seriously felt like dying in there. Maybe I should have spent the day studying for my admission exam.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Emo + Sick = Not a good combination

Today was TMC's Experiencing God: Musical. Turned out okay aside from a few technical glitches and what not. Didn't take many pics since I was handling one of the spotlights (and I still haven't bought a new camera). I did however, manage to get a few of the roman soldier/drug addict; Khong Zhi-Wei!

That's donkey's head if you don't know. He's being an ass...

More feminine than masculine

His eyeliner couldn't be washed off completely

Due to that, everyone around church started calling him Adam Lambert. But of course you know that Zhi-Wei will take any opportunity to make something lame. Thus, Adam LAME-bert was born..... Mike however thinks he looks like that dude from Tokio Hotel.

The crew involved with other parts of the musical (lighting, sound, etc), had to wear all black. Therefore, made me feel very emo. I don't wanna feel emo if I can help it lar.... Sad thing is, have to wear all black this coming weekend as well.

Those of you who have not yet watched the musical, please do come and watch it this coming weekend. Contact me for more info.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Post symptoms

Not feeling very well after an active whole day out. Still many things needed to be done.

- Need to work on the worship for YLDP
- Need to shop for christmas presents
- Need to finish watching Chuck
- Need to study and revise some subjects
- Need to spend some time with those I have not spent any with yet


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

100th Post!

To so call "celebrate" my 100th post, here's some screens on what I've been doing lately. Watching Chuck! Bought box sets of seasons 1 & 2. Awesome show! Right Bryan?

Meet Yvonne Strahovski! =D

She drives every male crazy for her in both the show and in real life.

She just adds to the list of reasons to watch Chuck =P

Yes, I know it's an old show. I was too busy to watch it back then. So I'm doing so now. Haha. Still watching season 1 though.

I..... I mean WE can never get enough of it! Right Bryan?

Monday, November 23, 2009

So many missed chances!! I count at least 5

Saturday, GB had their awards day. Great day to go for BB. Didn't do much during BB, but it was probably the most fun I ever had in BB this year. Told tall tales, jokes, stupid situations and what not. Caroling later that day was alright. But I think quite a lot of people didn't come.

Yesterday on the other hand was draining. Went to church, no class.... didn't go back in the sanctuary cause didn't seem very polite. Thus began the stoning. Actually wanted to go for 2nd service. Unfortunately, had to travel with a few others to go check out a camp site.

Church musical practice later tonight. Still have to practice my "lighting" skills =P "8 thumbs up" aye Edwin? Haha.

Checking out Sri Sedaya school tomorrow. Looks like mum supports me in shifting school.

Thursday, more futsal. Hopefully more people will come compared to last week. Edwin, I'll screw you if there aren't enough people.

That's all Dion's terrific life has in store for now. (Sarcasm intended)

When life gives you lemons, make apple juice!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

In dire need of a productive day!

Those of you who feel like you're wasting your time at home in front of the computer during the holidays (like me), let's plan a productive day! I'm seriously open to anything new or fun that takes up a lot of time. Seriously, I don't want to waste the longest holiday I'll ever have in my school life. Now that reminds me, HALF OF IT IS ALREADY GONE!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I knew it was going to happen. Guess I know you too well. Nonetheless, I'll still be moving forward (even without you)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Had a "Gives you hell" day

Long story short, AAR will never be coming back to Malaysia and DiGi SUCKS!

The waiting line for the concert was crazy man. It was about 1km around the whole stadium. Poor PK was waiting in line since 2pm, he was in the front of it though. Paul picked me up, got there about 4. Perfect timing, they began to open the gates, so we "squeezed" in and got to the front.

Crazy concert. Standing all cramped up near the stage. You get retards pushing you just to get an inch closer to the stage. No food and drinks were allowed to be brought in. Stupid thing is, you'd think it was to avoid the fans from throwing stuff onto the stage and what not. BUT NOOOO. They don't allow you to bring food and drinks in, but they sell them inside. Money-minded sial.

Malaysian bands were so so. Disagree, Pop Shuvit & Once Buck Short (Wow. Can't believe I can remember). The worst part was when you had to wait for them to set up. Took their own sweet time. Especially AAR! Took about 45 minutes to set up.

And apparently AAR didn't do their research before coming here. They used unnecessary foul language, acted slightly obscene and threw BEER to the crowd. That's right. BEER! Of course to me this doesn't really matter. But wait a few days and you'll be hearing idiots complain that they were inappropriate.

There's a lot to talk about but I feel I'm boring whoever's reading this so I'll stop here. Stood waiting for 6 hours for something that lasted only an hour +.

Paul found me one of their picks they threw to the crowd. Have a laugh.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Life is "GREAT" ain't it?



Life is great ain't it?*

No matter how much I try and release my frustration and anger, I conceal it too well.
My school is officially the worst place in the world to be. Screw you. Hope you get what you deserve you low-life.

*If money grew on trees

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Went to 1 Utama today after church to collect my mysterious prize from Converse. So got there, went to the store and this is what the cashier told me, "Oh. Yeah. It's only arriving on Tuesday." My semangat was like shattered to the max. Going all the way there to find out that it hasn't arrived. So to try and cheer myself up, I asked them what was the prize. And so the best reply ever came. "I DON'T KNOW". The 3 words people (and bimbos) use the most often. At least I managed to get my AAR tickets. Had to buy their album to get the ticket. Value for money: so so.

Even saw a Myvi in the car park with a "Knight Rider" LED in the front of the hood. It looked so cool and lala at the same time.

The tickets I've been waiting forever to get

Needed 3 so I bought 3. Sad eh?

Myvi: "Malaysian Knight Rider"

Cool right? haha

Speaking of bimbos. That's what Edwin or rather Edwena was dubbed today. Pink T-shirt and dyed hair. Now all he has to do is dye it blonde and wear pink high-tops.

Other than that, school again tomorrow. Continue sorting out some useless stuff. Caroling was good. Wasn't it Joel? I think it's better this year cause there's not too many people unlike last year where too many people took part. YLDP's coming up and no one else in my level is going (aside from Edwin of course). Any one care to follow me? haha.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nyeh. Screw this....

Define a "Productive" day. Something many of us want especially during the holidays since there are only a limited number of days. I'm guessing for most of us, a productive day probably means getting out of our homes and loitering with your friends at a mall. Now that I think about it, isn't that boring?

A productive day doesn't HAVE to be a day out of the house. Do something you'd enjoy and gives you some sense of accomplishment. For example, it's better to spend a whole day cleaning and organising a room rather than spend 2 hours at a shopping mall doing nothing, coming back, and stoning in front of the TV. Bare in mind that this is just my point of view. If you find doing absolutely NOTHING productive, then so be it.


Holidays lately are so so. I MUST find something to do other than play futsal. PK's open house was okayyyy. Some of them nearly blew off their body parts when playing with fireworks. Erm.... other than that more futsal, futsal, futsal and oh! I played more futsal!

I could seriously do with some people to hang out with. Preferably people I rarely hang out with (No offense intended towards the people I go out with most of the time).

Have to go to school tomorrow to sort out some stuff regarding my curriculum marks. Damn potong. Thought I would be done with school after PMR until next year.

What else is new? Hmm.... Oh. Caroling practice starts this week! Denise is getting excited as ever (As usual).

I guess that's it. Until I have the mood to write again.

P.S. I'm actually READING a PROPER BOOK! Bangga gile. Haha

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Life Chapel

The 2nd visitation or field trip to a different church with my class. SO much better than SFX. At least we could talk during service and actually understood the message this time. Not many of us turned up though. Our beloved teacher, Aunty Mi Li was so kind to drive us there.

I can't believe Sarah beat me to church. Especially since she's normally LATE. Haha.

Okay, so a bit about their service. They hand out bulletins just like TMC. But Sean & I were like, "Where's the order of worship? This is all just announcements & news." We then realised that the order was in a small box (Roughly 3cm x 3cm. Lol).

Want to know why? Well..... The way their service runs is kind of impromptu. Anyone could come up and speak and share what God was telling them. The service dragged on to around 10.15. It felt long because us Form 3s normally don't stay for a whole church service.

After the service, we were invited to the basement for some refreshments & a time of fellowship. I felt so left out after one of the aunty's told me to move to the next table (in other words, told me to get lost) in order to let these 2 other girls sit next to Sarah (See Sarah? Once again, all your fault =P).

And of course, you must bear in mind that EDWIN was there. So obviously, he'd take advantage of any situation that came his way. He started flirting with them while Sean, Sarah & I teased him (kinda immature but I didn't really care). Even after we left, I think one of the girls came out to say goodbye to him but saw us grouping around him so she didn't. Poor Edwin.

Good luck with your piercings, aye Edwin? Haha!

P.S. Edwin, maju already ar? Must give me some advice one day. HAHA! YOU WISH! I'll accept your advice in a million years la.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Am I double as you? =)

- It's not broken english -

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Your choice RIGHT or WRONG

PMR is over. Now what?

Those of you who have nothing better to do with your lives (like me), here are a list of things you can me plan with me if you're interested.

-Acting cool
-Lame session
-Laughing session
-Stoning session

Yeap. Don't these sound like fun????!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

1 Day Left!

PMR ends tomorrooooow!!!!

Now the only problem I will be facing, is a lack of things to do for 2 and a half months.
Any suggestions? I'll most probably be free for anything but let me know in advance!

P.S. Facebook created yesterday (11-10-09) =D

Friday, October 9, 2009

Dion is PMR-ing

Currently going through Penilaian Menengah Rendah (Otherwise known as PMR). The 2nd of 3 public exams that students of this country are forced to sit for.

Going very well. No complaints, for I know that I can do all things with God by my side.

For those of you who were not thinking about the possible consequences of checking your answers after you had finished that paper (E.g. dissapointment, depression & the oh so popular phrase used to describe every terrible deep feeling "EMO"), here's a few pointers.

- What's done is done. Don't regret any answers you have chosen
- If you know you made a mistake. Stop thinking about it
- NEVER check your answers until AFTER you get your PMR results
- Always believe in God, and all you WILL get what you aim for
- The above only applies if you do your part as well
- Always do last minute revision. This guarantees to jog your memory
- Eat healthy, stay healthy
- Avoid going out. It screws up your mood.
- Remember to always pray (morning, before a paper, after a paper, night, ANYTIME)

Follow these steps and I can guarantee you, you won't feel troubled, and will do just fine.

All that's left is Maths, Sejarah & KH =D

P.S. Anyone found the humour hidden in the title?

"Sejarah" SMS

Received a hilarious text message from a friend on Wednesday.

9.40 am, 13 OKTOBER 2009

Tarikh bersejarah yang tidak dicatat dalam buku teks, bagi semua penduduk Tingkatan 3.
Bendera penjajahan PMR akan diturunkan bermakna kami telah berjaya memperoleh kebebasan.
Darurat "duduk rumah study" akan dibubarkan.
Perjuangan bermati-matian Dato Seri "guna nama sendiri" akan sentiasa dihargai.
Untuk sekarang ALL THE BEST & SEMOGA BERJAYA untuk Perang PMR.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

"When everything is wrong, we move along"

Surprisingly Different, Reassurance

On Friday, school had this thing where they would pray for all the students sitting for PMR, SPM & STPM. Obviously due to experience (I'm sure all of us would have thought the same), my friends and I thought that it would have been more concentrated towards the Muslim students. To our surprise, they gave just as much attention to the other religions as well.

Went for the Christian "session". Turned out pretty good. It was so cool that we had a worship session to sing familiar songs (To me at least). They even managed to get a pastor from a Subang church to come and talk and pray for us. It was really good.

I've always known God will always be there for me in everything I do. But I really needed that one unexpected thing to make me remember He was and will be there for me. Props to my school. Good job.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

7 days till PMR, 14 days till FREEDOM

Getting screwed the whole week.

Thankfully, "I Don't Care"

Monday, September 28, 2009

Just when I start to get back up, something knocks me down............... AGAIN

If I ever leave this country when I'm older.....

I'm never coming back.

* God I REALLY need your help.


Stupid DiGi! Why'd you have to put AAR's concert on October 10th! People got PMR la! =/

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Feel like going back here again. Just to walk along the roads.

Highlights of the day (Retarded)

Today was the most SUPER POTONG Sunday School class!!! For the first time in many many years. Everyone who was registered in the attendance book ACTUALLY came! Every single person! Haha! Seriously a VERY big accomplishment.

UNFORTUNATELY! Teacher didn't come......


So our attendance wasn't recorded. And now none of our teachers will ever see all of us in the same room at the same time again.


Got back from church. Phone rang.

Hao Zhong: Dion. Guess who I'm with?

Dion: (How the hell am I supposed to know? Can see you ar?)

Hao Zhong: Hold on ar. Say something.

Unknown: Hello!!!!! Hi!!!!!!

Dion: Who the hell was that?

Hao Zhong: Aiyo, you don't know? Guess.

Dion: Sarah Ti?

Hao Zhong: Haha! Yeah!

Dion: =.= Why are you with her?

Hao Zhong: Oh. I went to cut my hair, then I went to buy AAR tickets

Dion: (????????????????)

After talking a bit...

Dion: So, you called me just to tell me Sarah's with you?

Hao Zhong: Yeah....

Dion: =.= Erm. Ok. Bye.


Next time you're with her don't need to tell me la Hao Zhong. Enjoy your time with her. ;P

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dion tends to depend on himself a little too much. Then again, he barely has anyone to depend on.

Is this true?

Is this good?

Should I change?

If so, how?

P.S. When I say barely anyone else, I do not take into account God. This question is intended more towards humans/homo sapiens.

Emo ke?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Owl City - If My Heart Was A House

I think it's a weird song

Yet I find it strangely catchy and addictive as well

How on earth did I find out about this song?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Holidays are over! =(

Holidays for ME! Are officially over! No more going out until after PMR. I'm determined to study like a donkey on a summer's day (I have NO idea what that means. Just felt like saying it).

Congratz to the new MYF Committee! May we continue to serve God in every way possible.

Futsal yesterday was crazy! Gila banyak people came. Played non-stop. Thank goodness didn't fall down on the retarded Sports Barn "carpet grass". Then again got injured again not due to physical force, but due to my new Nike T90's which i wore.

NOTE TO SELF: Do not wear brand new shoes to play futsal in.

Can't wear shoes now! Yet I'm laughing at myself while I type this. =)

P.S. Good job Owen! You came through when all hope was lost. =P

* REMINDER: 2 weeks to PMR!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My dearly beloved..... NIKE T90!

These look EPIC!
Got it for RM100 (RRP:RM199) at the Nike shop itself!
Test run tomorrow! FUTSAL FUTSAL FUTSAL!

"Studying" with Zhi-Wei

Saturday, September 19th 2009.

8.00am - Zhi-Wei: Can you come to church around 2pm?
I'll help you study
Dion: I'll come around 3 la.
Zhi-Wei: The earlier the better.

2.50pm - Zhi-Wei: Where are you?
Dion: Chill. I mandi first then I come.

3.00pm - Zhi-Wei: Where are you?
Dion: On the way!
Zhi-Wei: Faster

3.15pm - (Reached church)
Zhi-Wei: Finally! Eh, we going A&W.
Dion: =.=

Super lame fella la. So ended up at A&W eating waffles and ice-cream. On the way back, Zhi-Wei and Denise sat together. BAD IDEA! Haha! Zhi-Wei kept wiping his oily fingers on Denise while she screamed like crazy. Thank goodness I sat in front.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Emo for Dummies

This book (if it ever exists) is such a waste of money.
Just ask me for advice if you want. HAHA!

Thursday, September 17, 2009